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My Canine Kids

When you live with pets in your home, for some of us, they become like little people.

Each one has a personality of its own.

I hope when you finish your visit, you'll know a little about each one of My Canine Kids.


AKA BabyGu

LillaLilla is one of our stray children.

She came to our door at about 9 months of age.

I think someone was training her to hunt and she disappeared from them when they fired their gun.

She is afraid of loud noises including gunfire, hand clapping and thunder.

LillaShe loves the outdoors and would rather be grubbing down in the bottom of a muddy groundhog hole than anything else. She'll track rabbits and squirrels, but is scared to death of cats.

Jealous Pot

Lilla is very jealous of my attention. If she doesn't get her way she will turn her head away and ignore you until you make some kind of concession to her.

She hates baths and any kind of grooming. We have often thought of changing her name to PigPen.

Cookie Run

LillaIf I do not pay her enough attention Lilla will sometimes start a cookie run.

If I have been working at the computer too long for her taste, she will sit and bark until I get up and get her a cookie. She will usually do this as long as I will continue to get up and retrieve her prize.

She also knows when it's snack time at night. The words 'bologna time' and she starts walking backwards and jumping up and down like a spring chicken.