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My Canine Kids

When you live with pets in your home, for some of us, they become like little people.

Each one has a personality of its own.

I hope when you finish your visit, you'll know a little about each one of My Canine Kids.

Annie's Captain My Captain

The Beginning

Cap 6 monthsCap was born May 14, 1994 in Lenoir City, Tennessee. His father was Ryneal's Blame it On Reno, litter mate to Ch. Ryneal's Vision of Perfection DOM.

Cap's mother was Lady Annie of Antioch.

Shown here at only six months and already 65lbs, Cap was a bundle of energy.

When left alone at this age Cap had a bad habit of eating our sofas.

When riding in the car with me he preferred to sit in my lap.

The Move to Kentucky

Cap in KYWhen Cap was about 2 years old we moved to our present location near Somerset Kentucky. Shortly after moving there Cap's mother was accidently shot by one of our neighbors.

Fear for Cap's safety prompted me to fence in our 15 acres of wilderness.

Cap's the Man

Cap relaxingCap was our 'alpha' male. He was the boss and knew it. He was extremely jealous of any attention given to the other dogs or even to a human.

Cap's favorite words were 'bologna' and 'bedtime snack'. When he wanted treats he would often put his chin on your leg or a paw on your shoulder and look at you with a pitiful expression.

My Best Friend

Cap had a long bout with cancer which began as a small bump on the back of his front leg that looked like a BB. I had it removed 3 times in a period of 3 years. The last time it was removed it came back with a vengance and engulfed his entire shoulder.

I had Cappie put down June 23,2004 to end his suffering. I will miss Cap. He was my best friend.